Domain and Domain Name

A Domain, for the purpose of this article is basically space. The same space that exists on the hard drive of your computer or favourite USB stick. There are lots and lots of spaces within the internet which vary in size. The way these spaces are identified are through Domain Names. Each Domain Name is unique and usually have different extensions depending on their use and location. For example, organisations usually use a “.org” extension. Organisations in Australia would be represented by the extension “.au” at the end. So you’d have “” as an example of a Domain Name belonging to an organisation in Australia. Please note that a Domain Name doesn’t necessarily need to be assigned to a Domain or space. Just like your car’s plate number can exist without a car.

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The Registrar

A Registrar is the entity (or domain registration company) that holds the registration of your Domain Name. Registration is a requirement for all Domain Names. Think of this as being the same as the registration for your car’s plate number. Registration ensures that your Domain Name stays unique and that no one else can use it.

NS and DNS

NS Records or Name Server Records are kept by the Registrar. The NS Records tell a browser where the DNS Records are being held within the internet. So in other words, NS Records are like street signs found on highways. DNS Records on the other hand are like a bunch of street signs relating to a Domain. Since a Domain is basically space. It can hold things like files, a website, and even Emails. So it’s only natural that you’d have signs to direct traffic to these things.

Domain Name
Top Level Domains

So where does hosting come in?

The host is basically the owner of the space within the internet. Each Domain will exist in a server hard drive located somewhere in the world and these servers are owned by companies otherwise known as hosts. So when you pay for Domain Hosting, Email Hosting or File Hosting, you’re basically renting space on the internet belonging to a host.